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…and so for now adieu/slán leat

Adieu suggests a temporary ‘so long’, but migration often is not…

Taking their cue from the North American farewell wakes, held across Ireland in the 1800s, the George Ferguson Dance School and Melody Makers perform a specially curated evening of song and dance which references leaving.

This engaging 2-hour programme features over 50 musicians and dancers from across Merseyside. The performance takes place in one of Liverpool’s most emerald spaces: the ever magnificent Sefton Park Palm House.

Not to be missed!

This is a 2-hour show, with the addition of an interval. Though it may sound obvious, standing seats will not be provided with chairs. Please bear this in mind when making your ticket choice. It is anticipated these tickets will be used by the guardians/transporters of performers. We have standing seats in order to enable low cost tickets, whilst working within the fire limitations of the building. If you are there to enjoy the show for all it’s creative beauty, we strongly recommend buying a seated ticket.

Seated tickets are sold at two prices: £15 and £12.

£12 tickets (concessions) are for anyone in receipt of benefits or for under 16s. People who are not in receipt of benefits, or are over 16, are asked to pay full price. All proceeds will be split equally between Sefton Park Palm HouseMelody MakersGeorge Ferguson Dance School and the Festival.

Seated tickets £15/£12 conc. Standing tickets £5.Book Here